The area of the house is located on the northern hill of Zichron Yaacov, a residential area facing an open view thanks to the natural slope of the land. The lot sits between two blocks at a distance of about 15 m, over an area of 900 square meters and is built at the top. Allegedly, the building rights were utilized, but the existing tenants initiated a planning process, in which we sought to change the outline plan and approve with the authority of the district committee, the construction of another house on the lot. This will allow us to make good use of the area and its conditions, as well as integrate into the existing residential tissue, as well as between the two streets.
The natural ground slope that exists in front of the open landscape is what dictated the planning line. The goal was to establish the new construction between the landscape and the mountain. The formal instinct dictated by the place was strong and clear, dealing with the terrain conditions by three steps, similar to terraces. The three building blocks modestly follow the topography lines like terraces as three graded blocks, so that each section supports and forms the basis for the section above it. Part by part in retreat, with a slight angular shift, following the natural flow of the land, horizontal spread out in front of the landscape, which in this way nourishes all the spaces of the house.
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