The lighting design at 48 Shalma St, Tel Aviv was an interesting challenge. The building is one of the most prominent well houses in Jaffa and represents the culture of well houses and orchards in the 19th and early 20th centuries on the coastal plain. The building served as the residence of the al-Said family, who are local leaders and elected officials. The building combines several methods and building materials and architectural elements. Arched wooden windows, marble balconies, carpentry details, tiled roof, designed cornices and many stone details such as stairs, portals and designed lintels.

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The building is an exceptional example of the development of a well house, from a farm building to an estate. A place with spectacular features influenced by the style of the central space houses and Ottoman architecture. The studio led the lighting design to the renovated building, with an emphasis on illuminating the façade of the building and the area outside it. After a series of tests and research of the building's components, lighting was designed to emphasize and enhance the main components of the historic building.