Ariel School of Architecture
Tutor of the students / Architect and Lighting Designer - Hanan Peretz
Technology Course 1 and 2 introduces the students to the technological aspects of architecture. The course is based on the study of the architectural language and basic building components, with an emphasis on the technological aspect of various architectural work. The school of Architecture in Ariel university offers this course for first-year students in their second semester.
Goals and objectives of the course: 1. Knowledge acquisition 2. Providing work tools and creating work habits 3. Education for integration and interaction 4. Education for professional and social responsibility
The course based on interactive study and the value of teamwork. The environment of the classroom offers the student's a higher level of learning through discussions and fieldwork, which develops their worldviews and personal views. The Technology course teaches professionalism and an in-depth look at how the environment impacts the user. The students learn that they have a responsibility, as future architects, to design with a contribution to the environment by sensitivity and keeping the user in mind. Students will create architectural elements to their projects that leads to the overall beauty and appreciation for the design. The course teaches students that their designs will impact the interaction between people, the built environment with the natural environment, and how to transform an idea into a realization.
Neta Avrahami, Yarden Eliyahu, Lotan Buaron:
Shira Eliyahu,Ruth Levi, Ravit Yashar:
Eliya Alon, Naama Lev Ari, Daniella Cohen:
Eden Ben-Nun, Maya Deri:
Bnaya Kaplan, Kineret Rotenberg, Hilell Rose:
Hadas Noyman, Yael Cohen:
Ofir Rephali Avia Bardugo, Yuval Zulivnski: